<aside> 🐨 **tldr; Highlights


<aside> ⚠️ In order to use all new features please upgrade your:


New features

Delayed showing

Heavily requested, so we integrated it! Both web and Mobile app SDK now support delayed showing. Let’s say you want to wait 5 seconds before showing the survey to your user, now you can.

Head over to “Triggers” in your surveys settings, and at the bottom you will see a new delay option!

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Changeable button labels for Multi-line input, Multiple choice, Text slides

You now have the ability to also customise the button label all slides that feature a CTA!

Delete answers from a survey

Remove unwanted answers from testing, or non-relevant ones. Head over to the result overview tab, select your answers. At the top you will now see you answer count, and a button that allows you to delete your selected answers.

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Search on users, and filter on identified users only

We made it easier to find the user you are looking for. At the top you now have the option to search on first and last name, company identifier, email or unique identifier!

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